MYSELF BEING THE USER OF THIS WEBSITE COMMIT THAT, I have not paid any entry fee for getting myself registered with For the PIN given to me, I have paid Rs.25 to receive data from SOCIALBIZZ on my personal interest. I will never claim for this amount (Rs.25/-) from SOCIALBIZZ. SOCIALBIZZ has been established for providing services to help and communicate users with each other by contributing a desired sum of money, which the SOCIALBIZZ won’t be responsible of and neither will club benefits itself from the Helping Amount. SOCIALBIZZ does not assure of the help from other users. Users can help each other according to their wish, and it’s of no compulsion. The Helping Amount given by me to other users will be considered as a donation, nothing to be paid in return by SOCIALBIZZ. I will never sue the SOCIALBIZZ for claiming the helping amount donated by me/user. SOCIALBIZZ cannot sue any user, if the user has not paid the whole of the amount mentioned above.